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the secretary of party committee of guangbo group guides the party member to study the spirit of 17th cpc national congress.

2007-10-27          views:1369


on 27th oct, mr.wangliping the secretary of party committee of guangbo group presides at the meeting on studying and implementing the spirit of 17th cpc national congress. more than 70 party members attend the meeting.

on the meeting, mr.wangliping points out that 17th cpc national congress is an important meeting after we enter into 21st century. since china introduced reform and opening policies, the good policies our party supports the continuously healthy developing of the private enterprises with significant economic and political position. our society and party provide more approved developing space.

he also points out that 17th cpc national congress mention to build harmonious society. it means that developing in scientific way and building harmonious society will be the main theme for a long time in the future. the private enterprise will assume the related function not only to be the practitioner of reform and opening but also the constructor unit of the cause of socialism with chinese characteristics. in addition, the enterprises also shall take the responsibility to solve the problem of new countryside construction in building harmonious society and the adjustment of gap between rich and poor.

mr.wangliping call all the party members to keep their own post and play their vanguard, exemplary and pace-setter role in socialism construction in order to make contribution for building harmonious society and harmonious guangbo group. after it, all the party members in our company study the content of 17th cpc national congress seriously.


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